How to WRITE Your Blog Posts

The best way to blog

Your first goal is to make your blog post look more attractive and easier to read. It is also very easy to ensure that your post receives some search engine traffic.

You don’t want to publish a blog article that won’t get any traffic. This means no one will read it.

In fact, your time should be spent promoting the post more than actually writing it. If you want more people reading your post, this is the way to go!

Although writing quality content is essential, it’s still important.

Pre Blog Post

You should plan your topic before you start writing. This doesn’t need to take too long. However, you should make sure your content is going to attract people. It is pointless to write about things that nobody will see, and it is pointless to speculate about the popularity of your content. You are now ready to think of for your blog post.

Once you have an idea for what you are going write about, use the Google keyword search tool (Google it to learn more) and then enter your keyword. The keyword does not need to be a single word. A keyword could be any sentence or phrase, and it is often called a “long-tail keyword”.

Now, enter your keyword using the keyword tool. The title of your blog will also include the keyword. Look through the suggestions and pick the best. This will allow you to search for the most relevant keywords to your blog posts and also the one with most monthly visitors. This is it. Simple, right? You should aim for traffic to be in the thousands each month. But late hundreds is acceptable as long you write blog posts frequently, which you should anyway.


You now have your keyword. As I stated before it should be in the title of your post. You should include the same keyword as in the title of your post, and in the text. A minimum of two or three words is sufficient, but don’t spam your keyword.

Make your blog posts concise and interesting. Also, keep your paragraphs to a minimum. Space is good. Long blocks of text are not. Your article must be broken down into bite-sized pieces that people can easily digest.

Include an image or two, or better yet, embedded video, in your post. You can either find images using your keywords or you can just use Google images. Make sure you adjust the image to fit the article width when inserting it. This will make it look much more professional. It will also help you increase traffic by entering your keyword in an alt box.

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